01. Taking Responsibility
02. Becoming A Household Team
03. Facing Your Inner Me
04. Crafting A Culture of Celebration
05. Establishing The Pecking Order
06. Avoiding The Shame Trap
07. Living As A Household On Mission
01. Taking Responsibility
Ryans shares the first message in our Household series, about taking responsibility for you faith,."But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." ...
02. Becoming A Household Team
Ryan shares the second message in our Households series about "Becoming A Household Team"
03. Facing Your Inner Me
Rachel shares with us about a healthy way to handle conflict in the Household environment - to face your inner me rather than your enemy.Sunday 7th June 2020...
04. Crafting A Culture of Celebration
Jess shares about the Biblical significance of celebration, and how we can learn to craft a culture of celebration in our households.Campbelltown Church of C...
05. Establishing The Pecking Order
Ryan continues our Households series by discussing what it means to establish the pecking order by choosing to value others above yourself.Campbelltown Churc...
06. Avoiding The Shame Trap
Rachel shares about how to avoid using shame as a relational weapon.Campbelltown Church of Christ, Sunday 12th July
07. Living As A Household On Mission
For our final message in the Household Series, Ryan interviews Scott and Leanne about what it's like to use a household as a resource for God's mission.Campb...